Prize for the furthest journey: 

This went in this year again to Antal B. who came from the periphery of Budapest with a distance of 402 kilometers and was rewarded with a

Cup + 1 billed cap from CASTROL AUSTRIA + 1 Bottle Sparkling wine from HENKELL AUSTRIA.


  Results and prizes for the total competition: 

The Blind driving competition (hold on after accurate 50 meter blind driving) and the tyre change competition was added according the point system and this was the results.


with 51 meter winner in the competition blind driving (individual result Place 1) and

2 minutes and 08 seconds for the competition tyre change (individual result Place 2)

 was definitely Werner H. from Innermanzing on his Audi Urquattro, and was rewarded with a

Cup + 1 billed cap from CASTROL AUSTRIA + 1 Bottle Sparkling wine from HENKELL AUSTRIA + 1 ride as a co-driver in the Rallycross S2 from STOITZNER MOTORSPORT.

Place 2

with 57,7 meter in the competition blind driving (individual result Place 2) and

2 minutes and 20 seconds for the competition tyre change (individual result Place 3)

 occupy Michael N. from the periphery of Eichstätt on his Audi S2 Avant, and was rewarded with a

T-Shirt + billed cap + luggage label + lighter from PIRELLI AUSTRIA.

Place 3

mit  58 Meter meter in the competition blind driving (individual result Place 3) and

4 minutes and 10 seconds for the competition tyre change (individual result Place 6)

occupy  Christoph F. from Linz on his Audi Coupe S2, and was rewarded with a 

billed cap + luggage label + lighter from PIRELLI AUSTRIA..


  Individual Results Tyre change: 


with 01  minutes and 55 seconds (individual result Place 1)

was clearly Alexander M. from the periphery of Eichstätt,  and was rewarded with a 

Cup + 1 billed cap from CASTROL AUSTRIA + 1 Bottle Sparkling wine from HENKELL AUSTRIA + 1 ride as a co-driver in the Rallycross S2 from STOITZNER MOTORSPORT.


  Results and prizes for the cart race


was Martin K. from Euratsfeld  and was rewarded with a

Cup + billed cap from CASTROL AUSTRIA + 1 Bottle Sparkling wine from HENKELL AUSTRIA.

Place 2

went to Alexander M. from the periphery of Eichstätt, and was rewarded with a 

T-Shirt from CASTROL AUSTRIA + billed cap + luggage label from PIRELLI AUSTRIA..

Place 3

went to Michael W. from Linz, and was rewarded with a 

billed cap + luggage label + lighter from PIRELLI AUSTRIA.


  Price for the fastest registration


 was Christoph F. from Linz on his Audi Coupe S2, and was rewarded with ar

DVD from the meeting 2007 + luggage label + lighter from PIRELLI AUSTRIA.